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Publications, articles, lectures

News and Events: In the Events tab of this homepage you can find current lectures, trainings and events in which Oliver Habel is participating in various capacities.

  • 2024: Lectures in companies on the implementation of the Data Act by data owners (manufacturers) while maintaining trade secrets, Oliver Habel.
  • 2023: Various presentations by Oliver Habel at companies on “European digital strategy – current legislation from the Digital Market Act to the Digital Services Act to the Data Act and the AI Act of the European Commission”.
  • 10 – 12.09.2020 Autumn Academy of the German Foundation for Information Technology and Law („DSRI“), lecture and essay on “The New Trade Secrets Act – Operational Implementation of the Protection Requirements”, lecturer and author: Oliver M. Habel, attorney at law 03.07.2020 Contribution DSRI Trade Secrets Act 2019
  • MMR 07/2020: Discussion of the BGH decision of 01.04.2020 on “Amazon A to Z Warranty” with reference to the BGH decision of 22.11.2017 on “PayPal Buyer Protection”, author: Oliver Habel. Note by Oliver Habel on BGH Amazon Pay Back in MMR 7_2020. Anm. Habel zu BGH Amazon Pay Back in MMR 7_20
  • tecnews-03/2020: „Coronavirus risk: Does it exclude contractual performance obligations? Does this apply reciprocally? A legal orientation with first answers“; tecLEGAL Habel, teclegal-nl-03202002
  • tecnews 02/2020: author Oliver Habel on the topic “Trade Secrets – Secret Know-how: The new Trade Secrets Act of April 2019 in contractual implementation”. 02_20-Das-neue-GeschGehG_Umsetzung
  • 08/2019: IWZR (Journal for International Economic Law): Oliver Habel “Punitive tariffs and non-tariff trade restrictions in international trade agreements”. Article Habel_IWRZ_5_2019
  • tecnews 04/2019: Oliver Habel “Surprising punitive tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers – Who bears the costs in international trade agreements?”. 23_04_2019
  • 12-15.9.2018: Autumn Academy of the German Foundation for Legal Informatics (DSRI); lecture by Oliver Habel on “Industrial IoT and implementation in marketing” dsri-herbstakademie_2018 Neu.
  • 7./8.06.2018: International Federation of Computer Law Associations („IFCLA“), Conference “The Next Tech Law Revolution”, Paris; Oliver Habel – Moderation of the panel “How to secure innovation? The role of BlockChain” and substitution of the presentation of Prof. Nicolas Binctin, “BlockChain Governance”.
  • 07/2018: Munich: Presentation of Oliver Habel, “Industrial IoT: need to know: Legal framework for the distribution of IoT and Big Data applications”.
  • tecnews 03/2018: Oliver Habel “New law on contracts for work and services as of 01.01.2018 with changes also in sales law – on the drafting of general terms and conditions”. 03.2018_Änderungen u.a. im Kaufrecht zum 01.01.2018
  • 02.2018: Oliver Habel “Legal Framework for Big Data and/or IoT Applications”. IWW DR Artikel 2_2018
  • 6-9.9.2017: Autumn Academy of the German Foundation for Law and Informatics („DSRI“), lecture: “PayPal Buyer Protection – Does the Purchase Price Claim Remain in Case of Repayment?” A further legal development of the article in MMR 4/2017 (see below), speaker RA Dr. Oliver Habel. PayPal_HA2017
  • 04.2017: Oliver Habel “PayPal buyer protection, the purchase price claim arises again after a PayPal purchase price refund” in MMR Fokus, issue 04/2017
  • tecnews August 2016, Oliver Habel, “EU – US Privacy Shield: Data transfer to the USA: To do for companies from an EU or German perspective”: tecnews August 2016
  • tecnews July 2016:Oliver Habel, 3 Theses on the Future of an EU-US Privacy Shield
  • tecnews May 2016: Oliver Habel, „External service providers in the company: Temporary Employment / Work Contracts”: tecnews May 2016
  • tecnews December 2015: Oliver Habel, “Data Protection – Data Transfer USA and Third Countries: What to do today”: tecnews December 2015
  • tecnews October 2015: Oliver Habel, “Data Privacy, here: Data Transfer USA”: tecnews October 2015
  • 11.09.2015: „Software Project Contracts for Work or Services“, Speaker: Dr. Oliver M. Habel, DSRI Fall Academy 2015, Göttingen.
    PPT: Software-Projektverträge: Werk oder Dienstverträge?
  • tecnews July 2015: Oliver Habel, “No Copyright Infringement on the Internet with Framing?”: tecnews July 2015
  • tecnews October 2014: Oliver Habel, “New Rules on Investigation Periods, Late Payment and Default Interest”: tecnews October 2014
  • 12.09.2014: “Illegal kick-back fees or commercial agent’s commissions in outsourced purchasing“, Speaker: Oliver Habel, DSRI Fall Academy 2014, Mainz,
  • PPT: Rechtswidrige Kick-back-fees oder Handelsmaklerprovision des ausgelagerten Einkaufs
  • tecnews 08/2014: “Warranty Limitation in General Terms and Conditions Ineffective“, Oliver Habel
  • May 14-15, 2014: “Personal data online after death or mental incapacity“, Oliver Habel, presentation by Oliver Habel at ITechLAW Conference.
  • 2014: “Corporate Data Protection, Legal Handbook”, Forgo/Helfrich/Schneider; Beck Verlag, 2014: Chapter 3: “Advertising on the Internet”, Oliver Habel / Eckart Müller
  • 2014: “Law of data and databases in companies”, Conrad/Grützmacher; Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne; Chapter: “Principles of the contract data agreement”, Oliver Habel


  • Presentations on the Digital Strategy of the European Union and in particular on the Data Act and the AI Act (draft)
  • Various legal articles and presentations on IT/Internet law, contract law in project business and data protection
  • Habel/Rauch, “Technology Contracts“, 1st and 2nd edition, 2005
  • Habel, “Principles of commissioned data processing” in: Conrad/Grützmacher (Editor), Recht der Daten und Datenbanken, Cologne 2014
  • Habel, “Software Project Contracts“, in: DSRI Conference 2015 “Internet of Things”.
  • Habel/Müller, “Advertising on the Internet” in: Forgò/Helferich/Schneider (Editors), Operational Data Protection, Legal Handbook, Munich 2014
  • Habel/Müller, see above, 2nd edition, 2016