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Coming soon:

October 2024; Workshop about criteria to identify data which qualify as trade secrets when applyind EC Data Act; Moderator

August 2024
Bucerus Business School / German LEGAL TECH Association: Participation in a training course on AI tools for lawyers; attendence with certificate

18.07.2024; face-to-face event; attorney Stefan Schicker, “Latest Legal Tech Tools for lawyers and companies”; co-organizer.

16.05.2024; face-to-face event; attorney Stefan Haßdenteufel, “Open Source a security risk? The case of “xz”; co-organizer.

21.03.2024; Attorney at Law Dr. Kristina Schreiber, “NIS-2 Implementation: Is the Cyber Board now without alternative?”; co-organizer.

19th OSE Symposium; “Data Economy of the Future, Data Model, AI”; Participant.

23. – 24.11.2023
German Society for Legal Informatics (DGRI); Annual Conference 2023; “KI, Cyber Security/Cyber Resilience, Data Economy”; Participant.

16.11.2023; RA David Bomhard; “Practical implementation of the EU Data Act for data controllers”; co-organizer.

Bavarian IT Law Day; “IT Basics reloaded: Software (AI) and IT Contracts (Data Act)”; Participant.

14.09.2023; Leonhard Wang, Fast-Detect, “Hacker attack – what to do”; co-organizer.

20.07.2023; face-to-face event; RA Malöte Leithäuser, Update obligations in the B2B sector; co-organizer.

11.05.2023; face-to-face event; attorney at law Dr. Jonas Siglmüller; “ChatGPT and IP law; co-organizer.

German Institution of Arbitration”; Annual Conference; “Supply Chains and Arbitration”; Training.

Lecture; RA Dr. Oliver M. Habel (himself); “The Digital Strategy of the European Commission – An Overview of the Digital Service Act, Digital Market Act, Data Act, AI Act, Cyber Resilience Act ….”.

Kölner Days IT Law 2023; advanced training.

23.03.2023; attorney Maria Urania Dovas; “The IT-legal handling of the ‘unforeseeable'”; co-organizer.

19.01.2023; Lawyer Dr. David Bomhard; “First lecture on ‘AI liability'”; co-organizer.

Seminar: “Current Non-Profit Law”; continuing education on foundation work.

24.11.2022; RA Sebstian Kraska; “DSGVO & TTDSG: How much leeway remains in user tracking”; co-organizer.

29.09.2022; Verena Haisch/Andres Wittermann (CEO LEWIS Communications, Munich); “Shitstorm and Network Enforcement Act”; co-organizer.

Prof. Dr. Markus Artz; 1-day seminar; “New Sales Law and Contracts for Digital Products”; German Civil Code; continuing education.

18.07.2022; RA Valerian Jenny; “The new TKG and M2M communication”; co-organizer.

RA Dr. Oliver Steffens; 1-day seminar; “The new distribution antitrust law as of 01.06.2022”; continuing education.

19.05.2022; Attorney Dr. David Bomhard; “EU Data Act – New Rules for the Data Economy”; Co-organizer.

23.03.2022; “Can AI democratize trading for retail investors?”; co-organizer.

OSE-Symposium; face-to-face event; “Upheaval in the Data Economy”; co-organizer.

17.11.2021; face-to-face event; attorney at law Sylvia Ebersberger; attorney at law Dr. Lucas Blum, DLA Piper; “Autonomous Driving – Current Legal Developments, Data Protection”; co-organizer.

20th Bavarian IT Law Day; “The Anniversary – 20 Years of IT Law”; Continuing Education.

02. – 04.09.2021
DSRI Autumn Academy; virtual; “In the focus of legal development – digitalization of the world”; sponsored by tecLEGAL Habel RAe.

15.07.2021; socializing of the participants of the TT.l Summer Night 2021″; very relaxed.

10.06.2021; RA Dr. Viola Bensinger, gtlaw; “Do new technologies need new contracts, AI IoT applications, smart building software, NFTs – a workshop”; co-organizer.

18.03.2021, virtual: Prof. Dr. Eckart Bueren, University of Göttingen, “On Market Dominance and Market Abuse – Causality Requirements after the BGH Decision on Facebook”; moderator.

16th OSE-Symposium, Munich, virtual;; “Covid 19: Mit Wums in die Digitalisierung”; co-design of the program.

21.01.2021 Munich, virtual; Philipp Koehler (lawyer at Taylor Wessing), “EU Commission drafts of December 2020 on the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act – the key messages”; moderator.

9. – 12.09.2020
21st Fall Academy of the German Foundation for Legal Informatics (DSRI); Attorney at Law Dr. Oliver M. Habel, tecLEGAL Habel RAe; lecture and written contribution “Legal Implementation of the Trade Secrets Act of April 2019”. The program:

17.09.2020 Munich; Dr. Mathias Lejeune, Lejeune Law/ Dr. Stefan Peintinger, SKW Schwarz, “Update and Discussion on Data Protection / ‘Schrems II'”; co-organizer.

23.07.2020 Munich; Jan Peter Lambert (in-house counsel Siemens AG), Technical and legal presentation of the IoT and AI platform Mindsphere; organizer.

15th OSE Symposium, Munich; Presentation: “The Trade Secrets Act: Facilitating the drafting of contracts or complex to implement?”; Speaker of the legal part.

16.01.2020 Munich: Dr. habil. Frank Sarre, IT-SV, “Legal project management for complex IT projects”; Co-organizer.

Deutsche Anwaltakademie; RA Dr. Nordemann and others, “Current Developments in Copyright Law 2019”; Continuing Education.

26.11.2019 Munich, Kristin Benedikt/Co-Head of Department Bay. State Office for Data Protection Supervision ” Joint Controllership”; co-organizer.

07. – 09.11.2019
DGRI Annual Conference, Berlin; Training.

19.09.2019 Munich; RA Dr. Alexander Duisberg/Bird&Bird ” IT Law in Networked Structures – Contract Law Considerations”; Organizer.

12., 13., 14.09.2019
DSRI Fall Academy, Bremen “The Power of Data and Algorithms – Regulation of IT, IoT and AI”; Moderator of the panel “IT Law”.

23.07.2019 Munich: RA Stefan Schicker/SKW Schwarz and Dr. Peter Katko/EY “Legal Tech Tools”; Co-organizer.

DAI “Recent Case Law of the Federal Court of Justice on Competition, Trademark and Copyright Law”; Training.

16.05.2019 Munich: RAin Lara Ueberfeldt/IT-Sachverständiger Dr. F. Sarre “Can manufacturers of products for new and further development use end customer data in compliance with data protection?”; Moderator.

Munich Bar Association: “Update on International Trade Law”; training.

IAPP, Munich Chapter: Manfred Ilgenfritz, Bay. LDA, “One year after the implementation of the GDPR”. Advanced training.

Bird & Bird, Munich “Cyber Warfare against Companies – Insider Lessons on Hackers, Fraud and the Dark Web”; Training.

21.03.2019, Munich; RA Dr. H. Schöttle/RA Dr. B. Siebers “Open Source Litigation Experiences from Practice”; Co-organizer/training.

OSE Symposium Law.Digital.Escrow; continuing education.

17.01.2019 München; RAin Michaela Witzel, SSW/ Uwe Sliwke,Hensold; Lecture “Open Source Compliance”; Co-organizer; Training.

22.11.2018 Munich: Lecture “New Employment Law in IT”; co-organizer and training.

15. – 17.11.2018
Annual Conference of the DGRI; Training.

Bay. IT-Rechtstag “Data Business and Data Economy”; continuing education.

Autumn Academy of the German Association for Legal Informatics; Attorney at Law Dr. Oliver M. Habel, tecLEGAL Habel RAe, lecture on “Industrial IoT”.

19.07.2018 Munich; RA Dr. Oliver M. Habel, tecLEGAL Habel RAe, lecture on “Industrial IoT: What you need to know when implementing IoT and Big Data applications in legal regulations for distribution”.

17.05.2018, Munich: C. Eibl and M. Radula, e.mundo GmbH, Munich; “Data Migration in the Age of Big Data”.

15.03.2018, Munich: RA Ines M. Hassemer, RAe Schneider, Schiffer, Munich: “IT and Data Criminal Law: Risks in Digitalized Companies”
RA Dr. Oliver M. Habel as lead organizer. The experienced criminal defense attorney will speak about criminally relevant procedures for uploads via apps, the new professional secrecy regulation in § 203 StGB and IoT.

IAPP, Munich Chapter: Cookies and Online Privacy, on the current draft of the EC Data Protection Regulation
as a participant

Forum 7 IT: “Scrum lived”
as a participant

28.01.2018, Munich: Sharad Gandhi “Transforming Artificial Intelligence into Business”
Dr. Oliver M. Habel, attorney at law, was the main organizer of this lecture for the exchange between Munich IT lawyers and corporate lawyers and we were able to win Eva Bonnacker, attorney at law, SKW Schwarz RAe, Munich and Semin O., attorney at law, DLA Piper, Frankfurt/Main.

23.11.2017, Munich: Sharad Gandhi “Transforming Artificial Intelligence into Business”

A great talk on the basic understanding of what Artificial Intelligence is, where today’s AI-related applications stand, and where on the timeline real AI is likely to be achieved. Just one example: software-based applications and AI software applications cannot explain why they made a certain decision, a certain result. So far, this has been the exclusive domain of human intelligence. The author and speaker lives near Munich, Germany.

18. – 21.10.2017
International Technology Association European Conference, 2017, Stockholm
RA Dr. Oliver M. Habel: 2017 as participant. Member since 2000 and member of the board until 2013.

28.09.2017, Munich: “Update Legal Tech”
As the organizer of this exchange format between Munich IT lawyers and in-house counsel, we present the latest legal tech products from three vendors.

06. – 09.09.2017
Fall Academy of the DSRI (German Foundation for Legal Informatics), Heidelberg:
Speaker RA Dr. Oliver M. Habel on the topic “Paying with PayPal – unintended legal side effects”.

Announcement:, Munich:
As co-organizer: Prof. A. Wiebe, University of Göttingen on “Data rights – the current EU strategy as well as Dobrindt’s data ownership while driving”.

Munich, C.H. Beck-Verlag: Lecture evening with Dr. Ehmann and Prof. Dr. Selmayr on the EU General Data Protection Regulation, as guest.

2nd IT Procurement Law Day of the German Procurement Network, Berlin: Advanced training on the award of public contracts for IT services according to the GWB amendment of 18.4.2016 and the new Procurement Regulation of 18.4.2016.

16.03.2017, München
Co-organizer of TechTalk Legal ( formerly: IT-Gesprächskreis Münchener Anwälte/-innen ) on the topics “BlochChain Technology”, speaker Mr. von den Berg, von den Berg AG; “Smart Contracts – a legal classification”, speaker RA Dr. Kaulartz, CMS Hasche Sigle, Munich

6th DialogCamp of MultiMedia und Recht and Zeitschrift für Datenschutz
Participants – very practical presentations on the European Commission’s draft e-Privacy Regulation of 10.01.2017; on the EU General Data Protection Regulation as an implementation project; on liability for hyperlinks, etc.

DVNW, Munich:
Event on the topic of “New Subthreshold Procurement Regulation”, organized by the German Procurement Network, Munich Group

IAPP; Munich Chapter
Presentations on Data Protection Impact Assessments according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation

11th OSE Symposium Munich, Moderator of the panel “BlockChain and Smart Contracts”, Speaker Prof. Blocher, University of Kassel, ö.b.u.v. SV Dr. Hoppen, Brühl, and RA Dr. Kaulartz, CMS Hasche Sigle, Munich

Organizer of the IT Discussion Group of Munich Lawyers on the topic “Practical Problems with the Provisional Legal Protection of Software”, Speaker Dr. Frank, TaylorWessing, Munich, and ö.b.u.v. SV Markus Schmidt, fast detect GmbH, Munich

Organizer of the IT Discussion Group of Munich Lawyers on “Smart TV and Data Protection”, Speaker Dr. Hartung, Attorney, Oppenhoff, Düsseldorf, and Mr. Böhlke, Legal Counsel, Media-Saturn, Ingolstadt

09. – 11.11.2016
Participation in the European Conference of the International Technology Association in Madrid

Sponsor of the Autumn Academy of the German Foundation for Legal Informatics, Hamburg, “Smart World – Smart Law”, sponsored by tecLEGAL Habel RAe, Munich

Organizer of the IT Discussion Group of Munich Lawyers, Topic: “Exit from the project contract”, Speaker: Dr. Weitzel, Attorney at Law BMT, Munich

IT Discussion Group of Munich Lawyers on 21.07.2016 on the topic: “Privacy Shield – what can the Commission renegotiate?”, USA/EU

2nd OSE Summer Talk in Berlin: Moderator of the panel “The Tension between the Privacy Shield and Art. 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”.

IT-LawCamp Bird Bird, Frankfurt/Main with focus on Internet of Things and data protection.

Event of the IT Discussion Group of Munich Lawyers and Corporate Lawyers; Topic: “Distribution Antitrust Law in Online Trading”; Speakers: Attorney Reinhard Böhner, SGP Rechtsanwälte, Attorney Dr. Benedikt Rohrßen, TaylorWessing, Rechtsanwälte.

IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals):
Event on Privacy Shield USA/EU with a presentation of the U.S. view by Jones Day, New York and an assessment by the Bavarian Data Protection Authority on the content and legal risks of a review by the European Court of Justice; Munich.

3rd German IT Law Day 2016 in Berlin.

German-American Data Privacy Day 2016.

DGRI “Agile Software Development Methodology”, Munich; Speakers: Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth, RA Elke Bischof.

2016 Münchener Juristische Gesellschaft; “Arbitration – Farewell to national jurisdiction?”, Speaker: Prof. Dr. Klaus Sachs, CMS Hasche Sigle, Munich.

08. – 09.04.2016
Faculty of Law, University of Würzburg; Medicine and Data Protection; Symposium.

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Munich; Symposium “The European Data Protection Reform and its Impact on Law and Business” with Stephan Maier, Member of the German Bundestag and Spokesman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, Thomas Kranig, President of the Bavarian Data Protection Authority, Werner Herzog, Data Protection Officer of UniKredit, and others.

At the 11th OSE Symposium in Munich on 29.01.2016, Oliver Habel moderates the panel “Big Data and Industry 4.0, Vol. 2” and concretizes the topic in the application areas “Power of analysis algorithms”, Peter Welchering; on the example of “MicroStrategy” on the licensing of analysis software, Christian Ringeling; on “Technical and legal protection of company data”, Claudio Chirco.”, formerly “IT-Gesprächskreis Münchener Anwälte”, was founded in 1997 by myself and other IT-lawyers as a private initiative and has since been run by myself and the team. I would like to thank the team consisting of attorney Maria Urania Dovas, attorney Jonathan Tobler, Stephan Peters, MBA, and in the advisory board attorney Stefan Schicker and attorney Dr. David Bomhard for the functioning team spirit.